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Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

"Post aus meiner Küche": Teil IV

Und endlich geht es wieder los mit "Post aus meiner Küche"! Das Thema der aktuellen Runde lautet "In der Weihnachtsschickerei". Ich hatte ja auf etwas Spätherbstiges spekuliert und mich schon auf das Kochen mit Kürbis, Maronen und dergleichen gefreut, aber hierzu wird mir wohl auch etwas einfallen. Wer von euch macht noch mit???

6 Kommentare:

  1. What is this about?? If it involves cooking with you then I am in. :)

    1. It works like this: Everyone who signs up to participate on their homepage until November 7 (deadline) gets a swapping partner. You will receive his/her address via email on November 12. Then between November 26 and 01 December you have to cook/bake something for your swapping partner (it can be one or more things) and mail it to him/her, nicely wrapped. In return, you get a nice parcel full of goodies (including the recipes) back. I have veen participating in this all 3 times and it has always been great! It's so exciting to get a gift with home-made stuff from someone you don't even know, to try something new. What I really like is that you can choose when during the assigned week you're preparing your "Post aus der Küche"; if you have time on Monday, do it then, if Fridays work better for you- fine.
      Last time, the theme was "picnic", before it was "Very Berry", and before that "Chocolate". This time it's all about Christmas treats. Ina, Franzi, Larissa and some others have joined last time, too. Maybe you're in as well? Of course, we could meet up and bake something together?!

  2. Ich bin auch wieder mit dabei :) Freu mich schon.

    1. Cool! Wobei ich mich echt frage, wie du das schaffst, mir 3 kleinen Kindern UND FHV UND Nähen,...
      Es wird auf jeden Fall ganz bestimmt wieder super! Ich freue mich auch schon richtig darauf!

  3. i love this idea and one day ill take part too! now im just too busy but hopefully things calm down a bit and once we get used to the new routines here in the new place i will have more time :).

    1. It really IS so much fun! Let's hope next time will work for you!!
