Heute hat die 3a eine Wanderung nach Halle gemacht, um dort in der Remise an dem Pablo-Picasso-Projekt (Infos hier) Teil zu nehmen. Es war unglaublich toll und anschaulich gemacht. Die Kinder haben u.A. unter Anleitung wichtige Stationen im Leben Picassos nachgespielt. Als wir gerade im Zug von Malaga nach Paris saßen und vor uns ein Bild vom Eiffeltum zu sehen war, fragte die Organisatorin die Kinder, ob sie denn schon das Wahrzeichen von Paris sehen könnten und ob sie wüssten, wie es heißt.
Antwort: "Ja! Das ist der schiefe Turm von Paris!"
Deswegen liebe ich diesen Beruf...
Today we had a class trip to an art gallery with class 3a where they learned about the artist Pablo Picasso. They were shown lots of his works and while being told about important stages in his life they were allowed to act them out with costumes and props. They had a lot of fun. As we were on the train from Malaga (Spain) to Paris (France), there was a painting of the Eiffel Tower right in front of us. The lady organising the event asked the kids whether they knew what it was what they saw. One child answered: "Yes! It's the Leaning Tower of Paris!"
That's exactly why I love this job...
Today we had a class trip to an art gallery with class 3a where they learned about the artist Pablo Picasso. They were shown lots of his works and while being told about important stages in his life they were allowed to act them out with costumes and props. They had a lot of fun. As we were on the train from Malaga (Spain) to Paris (France), there was a painting of the Eiffel Tower right in front of us. The lady organising the event asked the kids whether they knew what it was what they saw. One child answered: "Yes! It's the Leaning Tower of Paris!"
That's exactly why I love this job...
Dorle, für dich zum zum-Schmunzeln-Bringen, auf dass du deine Arbeit mit einem Lächeln auf dem Gesicht fertig kriegen mögest ;-)